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Neat Data for CANA WS2 WMS
Gain a complete view of your warehouse with a single tool.
Neat Data’s CANA WS2 integration gathers data from your warehouse management system (WMS). Neat Data’s business analytics drives multiple areas of the warehouse with intuitive information dashboards and data mining capabilities.

CANA WS2 Overview
CANA WS2™ warehouse management software and services are a complete and customizable solution to your warehousing challenges.
Enhance inventory management through the use of web and mobile platforms to capture and modify workflow and inventory data. This improves inventory accuracy and reduces the data workload. Additionally, enable faster spot inventories, eliminate the need for comprehensive wall-to-wall inventories, and enhance the speed and accuracy of multi-level reporting.
Key Features
Track key volume and velocity metrics to manage your resources
Provide transparency to customers and gain stakeholder insights – answers at your fingertips
Visualize your data with customized dashboards
Neat Data synchronizes all major CANA WS2 WMS metrics. Each can be viewed as a whole or aggregated. The WMS datasets we detail below are automatically synced and analyzed in Neat Data.
Work Orders and Fulfillment – Provides week to date, previous week, month to date, and year to date information about work orders and item fulfillment.
Inventory Status and Planning Provides – Current inventory of all items and provides out of stock risk based on item use history.
Inventory Control and Quality Assurance Report – Provides inventory health metrics.
Net Inventory Adjustment Report – Provides details of all non-standard inventory adjustments.
Dwelling Inventory Report – Displays inventory dwell by oldest to newest.
Data Health Report – Displays defects in catalog data. Compares product data across Rave Retailer Vendor, Grand Central, and WMS.

Integrate CANA WS2 WMS data with other business sytems in Neat Data
Integrate Neat Data business analytics with your other business software or systems of measurement to see all of your business data in one, secure location. Learn more about Neat Data’s complete data pipeline.