Neat Data’s analytics platform is engineered for universal application across various industries, with a special focus on packaged solutions for the Food, Telecommunications, and Warehouse sectors. Our specialized packages are developed through extensive industry research, ensuring they address the unique challenges and accelerate growth within these fields.

Embrace the future of food with innovative analytics and industry expertise

We push communication service providers to maximize coverage & efficiencies

Capital intensive, labor heavy, and timely requirements require attention

Other Industries
We can cover any and every industry, just let us know about your data

Other Industries
We also have specialization in:
- transportation logistics
- e-commerce platforms
- retail sales analysis
- crowdsourced data
Although your industry may be unique, we are confident that our Neat Data experts can collaborate with you to devise a solution that enhances your organization.
Let’s talk about your data dragon
Neat Data is tailored for different teams and purposes, from managers & directors to top level executives.
Are you interested in:
Decision Making
Data Organizing